Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Heartbreaker vs. Heartbroken

Heartbreaker vs. Heartbroken
Which one do I choose? Heartbroken.
When you're a heartbreaker you always get what you want, and it comes to you. However, when you have to work for something you appreciate it more.
Like two girls who want a fancy "designer" purse.
One goes to her dad asks for the money and he gives it to her.
The other girl saves up her money, and does extra jobs around the house for friends and family.
Who will appreciate the purse more?
The one who earned it.
She knows what she had to do to get the thing she wanted.
Same with love. If it falls in your lap, you don't realize what
you really have, until you lose it. There are a few of those fall in your lap loves that work out, but not always.
The scars of love are like a veterans scar from a war, you're almost proud of the scar because it reminds you that you put yourself out there protected your country and got hurt, but still protected your country.
I say heartbroken, because I would rather work for something,
love it and cherish it, not just take it for granted.
Plus, I don't think I would ever want to hold the holes of someones heart in my hands.
What do you choose?


At 1:41 PM, Blogger beatrice said...

merely out of curiosity, how do you hold holes?

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Life is better in the South said...

how do you hold donut holes?

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Lynn Bruce said...

i dunno, gals. i had a pretty good time being a heartbreaker myself.

heh heh heh.


At 6:20 PM, Blogger toesthattwinkle said...

I would also muuch rather be a heartbreaker becuase like you siad but we all(i'm assuming) know what it feels like to work hard and earn something.

At 2:45 AM, Blogger Cal-el of Krypton said...

I'm not convinced either way. Broken heart hurts..... but to desire heart breaker.... would just seem cruel to me. I see the appeal to heart breaker because you protect yourself. But the experience and lessons and revelations learned from heart broken are invaluable. I like to believe that when that intended "one" comes along..... you fill in the missing places of each other and heal the crevices life has hammered open.

Maybe it's a fool's dream... I'm not sure yet.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger DonKhan said...

if it's a fool's dream, Cal-el, let us hope that it's prophetic.

who wants to break hearts, anyway? that's just sick.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger fa-so-la-la said...

why can't we just try avoiding both ditches? ick.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Lynn Bruce said...

that's it, fa. they are both ditches, and ditches caused by our sinfulness.

obviously, i was joshing a bit with my earlier comment. but to be serious about it, we need to take every thought captive... certainly we can find nothing in the Bible to support having a preference for being a heartbreaker.

however, i would also question whether the Bible would support the notion that enduring emotional wounds and scars is somehow necessary for loving one another like we should.

if it is true that we somehow have a need for hurtful experiences in our lives before we can love like we should, it is only as a result of our inherent sinfulness. the hurtful experience simply serves as a tool for breaking us of foolish pride... something that can certainly be accomplished in our hearts by other means -- prayer, divine intervention, good preaching, Bible reading, big stern mamas, etc.

for the record, i don't think this idea that having some negative experiences is somehow necessary for us to be able to appreciate love is entirely Biblical... i think it's an idea we've absorbed from a fallen culture, and not necessarily to our benefit.

heartbreaker or heartbroken -- both are the result of sinfulness in our hearts. we should not prefer either.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Life is better in the South said...

not PREFER...but i meant by given the choice, what would you choose?


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