Hey! I'm so glad that the spring is here! It's so pretty in Alabama, all the trees are green, all the flowers are blooming and the only thing thats bad is it's the end of March and it's 80 degrees! Although that is very typical Alabama spring weather. The funny thing is that Monday (it's Wednesday) it was 42 degrees all day! Oh! I forgot....I watched..and helped...Graham disect a worm!EW!! I seriously almost puked...my stomach actually started to feel bad. Well gtg!Luv-LuvWhitney (Loquasias)
I woke up on Easter Morning and started to get ready wondering what we had gotten gotten for Easter ( I had a sneaking suspicion that we would get a certain movie.)then the bell rang for breakfast. It made me think of homemade pancakes with homemade fruit butter plumped on top and molasses drizzeling(please forgive me if I spelled that wrong) off the sides. I went down stairs and waited to eat those delicious pancakes and waited for my brother and sister to come down so we could see what we had gotten for Easter. I walked into the den (our 'Living Room' also were the Easter baskets always are.) I looked in the room and there in a beautiful white basket was the DVD. I started to fell extremely warm inside and felt so happy. We had gotten 'The Incredibles' It's incredible!!!! Also we got candy (chocolate to be exact) the kind of candy that makes your mouth water if you look at it for a split second...I was floating in heaven.We had chocolate peanut butter eggs, malted milk ball eggs, and rabbit shaped chocolate! This was a great Easter and Elder Sammy preached a wonderful sermon about a certain someone(JESUS!!) who died and saved us from our sins and rose on the third day!Luv-LuvWhitney
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all you people in the south!As for you Yankees....Happy Easter too!!! Hope you geta coolio easter basket and I hope you go to church and celebrate what Easter is really about!Movie Star of the Week is:Tom Cruise;O'''(I'm drooling) Luv-Luv Whitney;)
Hey!!!!!!!I am so glad that I get to do a blog!!!! Special thanx to Luke Brymer for helping me create my blog!!!I will try to post a post at least once a week so check back!!!!GOD BLESS!!Luv-Luv;)Whitney