Monday, November 28, 2005

Belle, Beauty and the Beast

'Beauty and the Beast' is a world known Disney classic, almost every little girl would love to be put in Belle's yellow ball gown. But, Belle isn't just a pretty girl in a dark scary castle, she's isn't shallow, and looks for the good in people. 'Beauty and the Beast' is a great movie that teaches you, not to judge a book by it's cover, and give people time before you form an opinion about someone.

Belle:] There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear
And so I'm sure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before
[Beast:] She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No it can't be
I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before
[Belle:] New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

This story line is quite strong, notice in the song above 'Something There' that Belle sings, "...True that he's no Prince Charming, But there's something in him that I simply didn't see."
At first, all Belle saw in the Beast was, a Beast with no feelings....which was true, but since she didn't treat him as a prince, it taught him that he wasn't better then everybody and she made him comfortable in his own skin...I mean... fur. Sure, it was a bit rocky at first, but Belle saw past the Beast, and fell in love with him, and the Beast saw past Belle's stubbornness, and fell in love with her. Sure, first impressions aren't always the best, but they aren't always true. My points are, give people more than one chance for your opinion on them, and don't look at the person and get your opinion by their looks, get to know them.

I hope I got my point across.


P.S. My other point was also to get you to watch 'Beauty and the Beast' very soon! I recommend it!


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Whitney....your story and analysis inspired me.

Would you ever look past the beast to see the true prince inside of ME!?!?!
Check Yes No or Maybe

Yes :_:

No :_:

Maybe :_:

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Life is better in the South said...


After making Brian hold me to take a picture of me and my mess of a melted marshmellow on my face......MAYBE!

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

Great post. Now I really do want to see Beauty and the Beast...but I have to work on a paper and do some reading. Maybe over Christmas break I'll get a chance.

You also made me think about something...I've always looked at it one-sided: from Belle's point of view. As in, she changed him. But, he changed her, too. Good thoughts.

Random thought: My favorite characters are Ms. Potts and Chip. :-)

At 11:04 PM, Blogger van Danne said...

Here is a good story about Beauty and the Beast and why I feel a particular fondness for that piece of film...

For the first couple of weeks after I moved into my first apartment we had no tv connection and practically nothing to watch... except for Beauty and the Beast. Don't ask me why three guys had that movie... it was just there. Since my buddy Tommy and I had nothing else to watch while we ate our mac and cheese or frozen pizza or muffins or whatever else it happened to be, we watched what we had. Which meant Beauty and the Beast. And we watched it twice the first week. Yep, me and Tommy, two bachin' guys, Beauty and the Beast, all the way through, twice in one week. We've laughed about it ever since then, but I think we also both now have a special place in our heart for that masterpiece of animated film, Beauty and the Beast.

good times.

*sniff sniff*

At 4:36 PM, Blogger fa-so-la-la said...

This is one of my favoritey favorites. When I was little I *was* Belle. Last year for my birthday or something, I forget exactly what, my family gave me some little plastic B&B figurines, in a box proclaiming that they were for ages 5-8. And to that I say, "HA" and "HA" again. Because they sit proudly on my desk hutch and I often pause to admire them.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Life is better in the South said...

That's Funny! I just love this movie, what brought this Beauty and the Beast story was that I went to see Caleb's school play which was 'Beauty and the Beast'! Caleb was La Fou (sp?)...Gaston's weird "friend". I must say...Caleb did a heck of a job acting as La Fou....he had us in stitches the WHOLE time!

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Caleb has the ability to do that wether he is La Fou or just himself freezing my boxers at singing school...

Lots of fun.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Lynn Bruce said...

Well, she IS a babe, though maybe not in quite the way that quote generally implies...

I've seen B&B more times than I will admit. It's just perfection.

I wish I had a dime for every time I was corrected by a certain preschool-age tow-headed girl, who shall remain nameless, with the adamant declaration, "I'm NOT Caitlin, I'm BELLE."

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice view of the movie. Defintely a dream of almost every girl to find their prince. Even if he is in the form of a furry beast. They just don't make disney movies like they used to do they? I can't remember the last good one they made that had a great story shuch as Beauty and the Beast.


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